6/13/21 Louisville, KY

Date Visited:
38°15′22″N 85°45′05″W

Great historic resources in Louisville. They also, like Memphis, were doing a "facadomy." The mix of new and old was appealing. There were some boarded buildings, and they seemed to be more or less clustered in one area. There were many vacant some of the large retail spaces on the ground floor of office buildings were vacant.

It has a distinct charm of a southern city. The sidewalks and planting were well maintained and were very visually appealing. Good urban design. The city did have a street covering, and this one looked like a flying saucer was visiting you.

There was a downtown entertainment gathering area, but there were not many people on the street like the rest of the town. Not many people are wearing a mask.

There was a banner where I parked, noting that the freeway was the breeway... with a request to say her name... Breonna Taylor