6/6/21 Snoqualmie, WA

Date Visited:
47° 37′ 34″ N 122° 31′ 16″ W

I saw the historic district sign for this town and stopped. The building inventory is old but not that special. There were historic landmarks, trees, and artifacts in the park. Many antique trains lined up on the tracks leading out of town.

I was a little surprised about the extent of the historic interpretation. I had never experienced historic trees except in the redwood territory in California. The tree in this town was a western red cedar. There also was a totem pole which was built in 1936. A band wheel also once supported a 65-foot band saw blade. This was a little bit different. I think I learned something about what constitutes a historic district by visiting this town.

As I looked at the historic inventory, I wondered how this was a historic district, but when I evaluated it in totality, I thought, "yeah, I think this is a unique approach."

On the outskirts of town, there are about 30 train cars and engines on display. They are deteriorating but still intact for the most part. I spent a lot of time there examining all of the components.

There were signs of anarchist activity.